Monday, August 20, 2007

Hmmm . . .

I have been mulling over a post about this past weekend with Mr. S. Most of our time was pretty tame, except for one choking episode. When the dust settles a bit, I may actually write that post. Before then, however, I have to work out how I feel about it, and how I feel about his reaction to some of my concerns afterwards.

In the meantime, your Spinster would like (brace yourselves, people) to have some gentle, sensual sex with includes copious amounts of time spent on building her own orgasm. Send your resumes, Gentlemen. All applications will be considered.

1 comment:

Ronjazz said...

Resume posted. EVERYONE deserves their own orgasm to work on, to play with, to share with a fellow lust-filled attitude. You wanna start on the phone, my dear?