Tuesday, July 10, 2007

When It Rains, It Pours

After a dry spell consisting of, oh, let's say MY WHOLE LIFE, things are suddenly interesting. Yes, your very own Invisible Spinster has managed to get three dates with three different guys.

Last night was the first one, and it went swimmingly. He is intelligent, charming, funny, successful in his profession, and definitely someone I would like to get to know better. I will call him . . . Jackson.

Number two is a character I've chatted with online for a while now. He is educated, witty, and what we have isn't chemistry, it's passion. I can tell already that sex with him would be an intense experience, whether it's the melding of two souls or flat out fucking. Talking with him can be intoxicating, but when we disagree . . . oh boy, watch out! The sparks sure fly. In theory we are set for Friday night. He thinks it's some sort of omen, us meeting for the first time on Friday the 13th. For this reason I will call him Dotty.

Behind door number three is a PhD candidate. I am currently the least interested in him because I just don't think we have the chemistry. Although intelligent, we don't have a whole lot in common. Heaven only knows what he sees in me; I don't sense that he's genuinely interested, only that I'm caught up in some sort of cynical play-the-odds game on his part. I agreed to go out with him because I need the practice. I will nickname him Guitar Hero, GH for short, because (drumroll please) . . . he plays the guitar.

All three of these gentlemen I found online, which seems to me a mixed blessing. I am pleased that someone is showing an interest in me, but I am disappointed that I remain invisible in my daily life. Nevertheless, I am working to concentrate on the positive as much as possible. I will keep you posted!

[EDIT: Just after publishing this post, Jackson sent a txt message saying what a good time he had last night and that we will have to get together again soon. Woohoo!]

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