Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Boys can be so stooopid!

Mr. Marine IM'd me out of the blue yesterday morning. I have no idea why. We've had one txt conversation and one IM conversation since he left in June. So he wanted to talk and was really quite charming about it . . . despite acting as though our last conversation had actually been recent.

Eventually this false buddy-buddy tone got on my nerves ... I called him on it, saying real friends don't disappear for a month, and ... he blew up at me. Mr. I'm-A-Nice-Guy-I-Never-Lose-My-Temper had himself a tantrum over how clingy I've been (wtf?), and after a good bit of ranting finished with: "and what effort have you put into this? I'm the one who cleared my schedule to see you, I'm the one who flew out there. Where have you flown?"

*sigh* In a way, Doofus has a point. He did put forth a significant amount of effort and resources ($$) to come see me. On the other hand, Doofus is a doofus and also AWOL from my life for the last month. I think I have a legitimate point in that true friendship is not formed on five minutes a month.

So after all this Mr. Marine logged off in a huff. I have no idea whether or not I'll hear from him, or when it might be. And you know what? For once that's ok with me. I am vaguely annoyed that he got sex from me out of this deal, but I really don't need or want him in my life.

"Boys can be so stooopid!" -- Mrs. Smoochy

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