Saturday, June 2, 2007


I am not generally one to throw around fancy (made-up!) German words, but English just can't describe this. Like an epiphany, only not really. But it changes your outlook nonetheless.

It should come as no surprise to you that I am deeply anti-social. I can be outgoing and sociable if I have to, but it actually leaves me as exhausted as running a marathon and in a deep funk for sometimes days afterwards. It is not so much misanthropy, but pure sensory overload.

I thought I was crazy for going through this. I thought I was alone in it.

Kink isn't really my thing, but it amuses me to skirt the edges of the community. In my skirting, I came across Mistress160's blog, which has what is for me the most amazing post. I know it sounds funny and rather pathetic, but "subdrop" describes exactly how I feel after being social. After an evening out, there is nothing I want more than a little cuddling and attention to settle me down gently. And of course I never get it. Cue funk.

It is such a relief to know I'm not the only one to have those feelings, even if I am freakier than freaky for feeling them after mere small talk with strangers.

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