Tuesday, March 25, 2008

There Once Was A Girl . . .

Who thought she would grow up to be pretty.

Who thought boyfriends would be a fact of life.

Who thought she was special.

Who thought love was inevitable.

Who thought "abandoned" only happened to puppies and babies.

There once was a girl . . . but she doesn't think anymore.

She's a woman now.


Anonymous said...

i wish i knew what to say.

i want to tell you that you must be pretty because i know so few women who aren't...

i want to tell you that i hope you're healthy because glowing skin and a big smile does a lot for a girl... well really anyone.

i want to tell you that even pretty girls don't find that boyfriends are a fact of life. that's reserved for the women with the magic pheremones or the sex power or something.

i want to tell you that there must be someone who really does care about you.

but mostly i don't want to say anything... i just want to honour this post and admire your courage.

The Invisible Spinster said...

Thank you. :)