Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sturm Und Drang

Steff said, "It's amazing how much life can go off the rails when you spend a couple years just hanging on for all its worth, while everything else starts going off-kilter a little as a result of the lack of focus on basic maintenance."

The other day, I said, "I've run out of energy for anything beyond the most basic survival efforts." And my friend replied, "I think sex is a vital part of one's existence. "

* * *

I got to spend the last two weekends in a row with Mr. S. It was great, for what it was. But what was it? He has gone out of his way several times since the beginning of this sexual thing to point out that I am not his girlfriend. That this is not emotional for him. That I have no hold on him.

Each night, after fucking our brains out, he'd pull me close and wrap his big, strong arms around me. He held me until I slept . . . and he was still holding me when I awoke in the morning.

I am not satisfied to sleep in the arms of a man who loves another woman.

When, Lord, will I be the woman who is loved? I am impatient.

A married friend, on marriage: "The only thing separating us is a random coincidence."

Is that what relationships are? Winning the emotional lottery?

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