Saturday, December 1, 2007

Crash and Burn

So I went out on a date Friday night. Yay for The Spinster, right? Not so much. I thought this was a Nice Guy, and from our chats online he seemed to have an intelligent head on his shoulders. He matched my self-employment and unconventional life -- I hoped there'd be a better chance of connection than with some of the cookie-cutter people out there.

The weather having turned absolutely frigid this week here, I opted to skip girliness and dress for warmth. Perhaps that was a mistake, but I am not a big fan of frostbite. We went to dinner at a restaurant halfway between our cities, and convenient to neither of us. I found his conversation charming, although a bit heavy on the interview style. On the way to our cars after dinner, he gave me one of the more lukewarm hugs I've ever had. You know the "dead fish" style of handshake? This was the hug version.

Still, it was something of a surprise when he IM'd me today saying it was nice to have dinner, but he wasn't interested in pursing anything due to a lack of chemistry. Hmph.

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